Did catching Pokemon get harder after the resent update?
Many players addressed that catch rate is decreased after the resent update. Is that true? This page addresses these catching/escape rate after the resent update. Additionally, it notes 2 other rumors: the association of catch rate and the way to throw Pokeball or trainer level.
Many players argue that, but it is uncertain at this point.
Many Pokemon Go players reported that catching Pokemon got more difficult after the resent update, but it is not ensured. Since they acquired techniques to throw Pokeball and catch Pokemon, catching Pokemon seems to be easier for them. However, they noted they cannot catch Pokemon as easily before. One of rumors is that the resent update decreased Pokemon's catch rate. However, there is no evidence.
This is also not sure, but each Pokemon is certainly assigned escape rate.
Like the uncertain decrease in capture rate, players stated that wild Pokemon tend to escape easily. The accuracy of this argument is unsure. However, since each Pokemon has escape rate as a hidden value, the increase in escape rate could be happened.
As well as other two above, this is not certain currently.
Some reports that throwing curveballs increase catch rate by 20%. Other ways to throw Pokeballs are also considered as adding catch rate bonus as the following:
Excellen throw, 68%
Great throw, 52%
Nice throw, 40%
For example, the catch rate of Pidgey is considered as 40%. If you throw curveballs, the catch rate increase to 60%. If you throw excellent throw, the catch rate is over 100%, so you can capture Pidgey successfully at 100 percent.
Do catch rate get higher as trainer level increases?
The association between trainer level and catch rate is not tested.
It has been said that catch rate increases as trainer level is higher. That means if your trainer level is higher relative to wild Pokemon's level (or CP), catch rate become easier. It is possible to happen, but there is no data to make sure that.