
How to Earn XP and Increase Trainer Level

This page notes how to gain XP and the reason why increasing trainer level is important.
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How to Gain XP

To increase Trainer Level, you have to earn Experience Point (XP). There are various ways to gain XP.

Bonus XP Chart

Action XP Gained
Capturing Pokemon 100XP
Getting New Pokemon 500XP
Evolving Pokemon 500XP
Hatching an Egg 100XP per km
Spinning PokeStop 50XP
Defeating Pokemon at Gym 100XP per Pokemon defeated
Gym Training Varies based on CP difference

500XP by Catching New Pokemon

Basically, you can gain XP by catching Pokemon. 100XP is for capturing Pokemon and 500XP is for getting new Pokemon. Additionally, you can get XP based on how you throw Poke ball.

Capture Bonuses and XP Gained

Capture Bonues XP Gained
Excellent 100XP
Great 50XP
Nice 10XP
Curve Ball 10XP
Catching Pokemon 100XP
Catching New Pokemon 500XP

50XP by Spinning PokeStop

You can gain 50XP by spinning PokeStop. To spin it again, you have to wait 5 minutes. To earn XP effectively, you may walk around a street where some PokeStops are located.

Transferring Pokemon to Professor Willow

博士に送るーTransferring Pokemon to Professor Willow

You can get candy and XP by transferring Pokemon to Professor Willow. Note that the Pokemon sent cannot be taken back to you.

Hatching an Egg

You can earn XP by hatching Eggs. Gained XP is based on the distance you walked for hatching: 100XP per km and max gained XP for a hatching is 1000XP. If you have multiple incubators, you can hatching some eggs simultaneously.

Winning a Gym Trainning

You can train your Pokemon and gain XP at Gyms that is owned by your team. The amount of gained XP is based on the number of Pokemon you defeat. To earn XP easily and faster, you may visit a Gym which has many Pokemon with lower CP.

Winning a Gym Battle

プテラー Aerodactyl, ゴルダックーGolduck, はかいこうせんーHyper Beam

Like training Pokemon in a friendly Gym, you can earn XP by winning Gym battles. The amount of gained XP is based on the number of Pokemon your Pokemon beat down. Even if you lose the battle, you XP is given to you.

Using a Lucky Egg

Lucky Eggs doubles XP points you gain for 30 minutes. To use Lucky Eggs effectively, you may do some preparations such as having eggs ready to hatch and stocking Pokemon ready to evolve.

Example Strategy to Earn XP

A Day You Do not Walk Much

Recommended actions

  • Using Lucky Eggs
  • Visiting Gyms to Battle
  • Training Pokemon in a Gym

You may want to earn XP in a Gym on a day you do not walk much. You can also get PokeCoins.

A Day You Walk a Lot

Recommended actions

  • Using Lucky Eggs
  • Spinning PokeStop
  • Hatching Eggs

You may want to spin PokeStops while having eggs to hatch on a day you walk a lot. To save time, avoid getting Pokemon you have already captured.

Why Should I Increase Trainer Level?

The max CP increases

The max CP value of your Pokemon increases as your trainer levels up.

Wild Pokemon with higher CP

As your trainer lelel rise, you see more Pokemon with a very high-CP or evolved Pokemon.

Items unlocked

As you trainer level increases. items are unlocked and you can get more various items at PokeStop.

Being allowed to have a Gym battle

You can work on Gym battles from when your trainer level rise to 5.

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