Here are the best fast/charge moves for gym battle & defense mostly based on DPS. Catching Pokemon having those moves are important for wining gym battles in Pokemon Go.
In Pokemon Go, DPS and type effectiveness of the moves should be considered. DPS indicates Damage Per Second. In Pokemon Go, both power and duration of the moves are important. DPS is calculated by using those two values.
Psycho Cut's DPS is the highest along all the fast moves. There are many poison-type Pokemon which Psycho Cut is effective against to. Additionally, there are currently no dark-type Pokemon which the move is not effective against to.
Mud Shot
High DPS and accuracy.
High DPS but no types which the move is effective against to.
Water Gun
High DPS and accuracy.
Wing Attack
High DPS and accuracy. Many of flying-type Pokemon can acquire the move.
The best 7 charge moves
Charge move (or special move) is triggered by spending energy bars. The power is higher but the duration is longer relative to fast move.
This is the move with the highest DPS along all the moves in Pokemon GO. However, there are no types which the move is effective against to.
Cross Chop
Very high DPS. Since the move is effective against to Normal-type Pokemon, Cross Chop is useful to beat Snorlax which use Body Slam.
Dragon Claw
High DPS and accuracy. The move is effective against to Dragonite, one of the most powerful Pokemon in Pokemon Go.
Power Whip
High DPS. The move is effective against to types: Water, Rock, and Ground. There are many Pokemon with those types currently, so the move is useful to beat those Pokemon.
Aqua Tail
High DPS and accuracy.
High power and accuracy. Hard to dodge. Useful for gym defense which DPS is not important for.
Hyper Beam
The highest power. Useful for gym defense and the lower DPS can be ignored.