Is there Pokemon Go events due to coming Pokemon Sun & Pokemon Moon?
The newest Pokemon game, Pokemon Sun & Pokemon moon will be released in November 2016. Is there Pokemon Go events associated with that coming Pokemon adventure?
Many pokemon Go players expect to see legendary Pokemon, such as Mewtwo and Mew, at some events will be held soon. Is there any events announced?
No details are released currently
Since the new Pokemon game, Pokemon Go, was launched as smart phone app, no events of Pokemon Go was announced. However, some events are expected to be held associated with release of the new Pokemon adventure, Pokemon Sun & Pokemon Moon. Those will be in sales in November 2016. So, we may have to wait for enjoying Pokemon Go events few months.
What should we do till some events announced?
Increasing trainer level, winning gym battles, hatching eggs, and others. There are various ways to enjoy Pokemon Go. Here are our articles helping you play Pokemon Go!