One of the reason it attracts Pokemon Go players is that Eevee has 3 different form of evolutions: Vaporen, Flareon, and Jolteon. To complete PokeDex, you want to get them all.
Eevee, one of Pokemon which you can capture in Pokemon Go, is everyone's favorite. There is a bunch of tweet postings about Eevee. I would like to introduce some of those.
As you already know, each Pokemon (Eevee) has different CP.
How to choose what your Eevee evolves to?
Eevee Evolution Chart
Your Eevee usually evolves into Vaporeon, Flareon, or Jolteon randomly. However, you can select what your Eevee evolve into by simply renaming them before using Candies. Here is a chart showing the name and the evolution.
Eevee Evolution Chart
Note: Renaming Eevee to select its evolution only works one time for each evolution.
Some videos on Youtube also shows how to rename Eevee and make it evolve into player's choice.
1. Renaming 'Rainer'
If you need Vaporeon, rename your Eevee as 'Rainer'. When renaming, you do not need to care about capitalization.
2. Evolving Your Eevee Using 25 Candies
Once you renamed your Eevee and checked 25 or more candies you have, tap 'EVOLVE'.
3. Observing What Happens
Once you tap 'EVOLVE', Eevee start to change his form.
I like his fluffy tail. Cute.
Eevee is in this shining ball.
Yes! Vaporeon appeared!
Now you got Vaporeon, and it is registered to PokeDex. If you need Flareon or Jolteon, simply repeat these steps above rather than naming Rainer.