Charge Moves Ranking
How to beat Vaporen with Jolteon
[Video] Exeggutor beats Slowbro
[Video] Lapras beats Dragonite
[Video] Golduck and Vaporeon beats Snorlax
[Video] A 1976 CP Arcanine is beaten by a Vaporeon and a Golduck
[Video] Ditto defeats Magmar, Gyarados, and Arcanine
[Video] Golduck fights against a Flareon
[Video] Starmie beats Hypno, Flareon, and Gyarados
[Video] Gyarados is the best to beat Dragonite
Charmander nests and spawn locations
Drowzee nests and spawn locations
Horsea nests and spawn locations
Dark Pulse - Dark Move